Who We Are?

Sanitation and Water Action (SAWA) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that was founded in 2009 with the aim of promoting and ensuring sustainable sanitation, hygiene, and water supply services throughout Tanzania. We are registered under section 11(3) of Act No. 24 of 2002 with registration number 0884. Our organization is dedicated to providing clean and safe water to communities in need by implementing a variety of programs that are managed by the communities and private sector.


SAWA has a Mission to ensure sustainable hygiene, sanitation and water supply services through appropriate and inclusive programs managed by communities, institutions and private sector.


SAWA envisions Tanzanian communities that access integrated hygiene, sanitation and water supply services for improved livelihood.

Strategic Objectives


Improved sanitation and hygiene services for families, schools, health institutions, and public spaces in specified project locations.


Un-served communities have access to sustainable and reliable clean and safe water within reduced walking distance.


Increased understanding of WASH stakeholders on IWRM and its relation to sustainable development and poverty alleviation.


Capacity of institutions, communities and private sector strengthened to deliver and sustain WASH services.


Strengthen collaboration of key WASH stakeholders on accountability and transparency.

Our Capacity

SAWA has long experienced national experts in the water and environmental sanitation sectors for rural and urban development. This capability is backed up with vast experiences in project management; community mobilization and formation and capacity building of community management entities (CBWSOs) for sustainability enhancement; planning, designing and construction of civil and water engineering infrastructure; surveys and feasibility studies; conflict resolution for institutions managing water and sanitation facilities; institutional and household sanitation improvement using various approaches including Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and  national school WASH guidelines as well as financial management. SAWA is able to deliver timely and quality services at competitive prices.

Our Core Values

As an organization, SAWA works with integrity and commitment to meet the mandate of the organization. The organization is conscious of the responsibility of stewardship of the resources entrusted on it, and strives to be fully accountable, transparent and cost effective. It is committed to teamwork, service excellence, learning and innovation through continually and critically reviewing its work.

The key principles guiding the organization’s operations and activities include the following;

Our Activities

SAWA activities contribute to the realization of Global, Continental and National programs and goals focusing on integrated WASH services, capacity building of communities and institutions of Tanzania in delivering and sustaining WASH.

Globally SAWA contributes to sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal No 6 ”Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all target 6.1,6.2, 6.3 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6”;
  • Goal 4. “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, target 4a”,
  • Goal 5. “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, target 5.1”, and
  • Goal13. “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, target13.1,13. 2, 13. 3 & 13.3b).

At a continental level SAWA contributes to realization of the African’s Union Agenda 2063 while at National level SAWA contributes to the realization of national development programmes such as Vision 2025, National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty ( NSGRP), Five year National Development Plan and Water Sector Development Program.

SAWA strives to promote self-sufficiency towards ensuring effective utilization, equal access and management of water and sanitation to foster self-governance and responsibility of the community. In this vein SAWA focuses on the following strategic activities:

  • Planning, implementation and management of community water supply projects and promote such initiatives in un-served communities.
  • Mobilize, form and capacitate community management entities (CBWSOs) for sustainability enhancement.
  • Support sanitation and hygiene interventions to end Open defecation (OD) and promoting household water treatment using appropriate technologies
  • Improve WASH services in schools with greater consideration of provision of facilities for pupil with disabilities and adolescent girls (MHH) as well as hand washing facilities.
  • Community empowerment through trainings, coaching and mentoring on operation and management of sanitation, water and hygiene services using various adult techniques and approaches
  • Facilitate and conduct research, feasibility studies, evaluations, training activities, workshops, outreach programmes, publications and information dissemination
  • Provide technical assistance to CSOs and other community water schemes
  • Policy analysis, advocacy and networking in sanitation and water sector.
  • Operating, maintaining and managing water and sanitation systems for the realization of project sustainability.
  • Promote and create awareness on the effective use of water resources at community level
  • Awareness creation  on menstrual  healthy and hygiene  (MHH) to adolescent girls in schools
  • Conduct awareness creation, capacity building and advocacy on prevention, mitigation and adaption climate change impacts in the community.
  • Promote and create awareness on the effective use of water resources at community level.